
Burn Calories, Banish Burnout

Adding to the numerous health benefits of regular physical activity, researchers from Tel Aviv University (Israel) report that employees who find the time for routine physical activity are less likely to experience work-related burnout and depression.

Sharon Toker and colleagues studied 1632 healthy private and public sector workers, monitoring for their personal, occupational, and psychological states, via questionnaires and checkups, for a period of nine years.

The team found that an increase in depression predicted an increase in job burnout over time, and vice versa. Importantly, the researchers determined that workers who exercised for four hours or more per week were half as likely to experience deterioration in their mental state, as compared to those who did no physical activity.

 The study authors suggest that physical activity in leisure time may be an effective stress management tool.

Article Posted on 2012-03-12
Toker, Sharon; Biron, Michal.  “Job burnout and depression: Unraveling their temporal relationship and considering the role of physical activity.”  Journal of Applied Psychology, Jan 9, 2012.

Tomatoes May Be Winning Over Cancer

A nutrient in cooked tomatoes has been shown in laboratory studies to slow the growth of - and even kill - prostate cancer cells, scientists said today.

Dr Mridula Chopra and colleagues at the University of Portsmouth tested the effect of the nutrient lycopene on the simple mechanism through which cancer cells hijack a body's healthy blood supply to grow and spread.

Lycopene Molecule

They found that lycopene, which is what gives tomatoes their red colour, intercepts cancer's ability to make the connections it needs to attach to a healthy blood supply.
The researchers, from the university's School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, are now calling for tests to check if the same reaction occurs in the human body.

Director of the research Dr Chopra said: ''This simple chemical reaction was shown to occur at lycopene concentrations that can easily be achieved by eating processed tomatoes.''

Lycopene is present in all red fruits and vegetables, but its concentrations are highest in tomatoes and it becomes more readily available and biologically active when it comes from processed tomatoes with a small amount of cooking oil added.

Dr Chopra said: ''I stress that our tests were done in test tubes in a laboratory and more testing needs to be carried out to confirm our findings, but the laboratory evidence we have found is clear - it is possible to intercept the simple mechanism some cancer cells use to grow at concentrations that can be achieved by eating sufficient cooked tomatoes.''

Prostate Cancer Cells

In the laboratory experiments, lycopene was shown to disrupt the all important cancer cell linking process, without which cancer cells cannot grow. The researchers explained that all cancer cells use a similar mechanism (angiogenesis) to ''feed'' upon a healthy blood supply.

They said there was added importance of this mechanism for prostate cancer because lycopene tends to accumulate in prostate tissues.

Elgass S, Cooper A, Chopra M. “Lycopene inhibits angiogenesis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and rat aortic rings.”  Br J Nutr. 2011 Dec 6:1-9.

Posted on 2012-02-27   Anti-Cancer Mechanism of Tomatoes Revealed
Online Article by The Telegraph March 2012  Cancer ‘slowed by cooked tomatoes’

Dangers of Diet Soda

With escalating obesity rates, artificially sweetened soft drinks are marketed as healthier alternatives to sugar-sweetened beverages, due to their lack of calories. However, the long-term health consequences of drinking diet soft drinks remain unclear.

Individuals who drink diet soft drinks on a daily basis may be at increased risk of suffering vascular events such as stroke, heart attack and vascular death.

According to a new study by Hannah Gardener and her colleagues from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center. Data analyzed from 2,564 participants in the NIH-funded Northern Manhattan Study showed evidence that those who drank diet soft drinks daily were 43 percent more likely to have suffered a vascular event than those who drank none, after taking into account pre-existing vascular conditions such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes and high blood pressure.

As Gardener says…clearly there is a need for further research before any conclusions can be drawn.

Article Posted Online
 February 28, 2012

What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Processed Foods

In a video documenting what goes on in your body after consuming processed verses whole foods, small electronic devices reveal just how much your body struggles in digesting and utilizing processed foods laced with damaging ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup (which contains mercury) and aspartame. Oftentimes, the truth is quite dirty, and in the case of the video you may want to make sure you’re not eating while watching — especially not processed foods!

Using a tiny LED camera capsule, the video team was able to track the visual progress of food digestion. In the case of Gatorade, the harsh artificial ingredients preserve the blue coloring for quite some time, and Ramen Noodles are meant to survive Armageddon!

Created by video producer Stefani Bardin in conjunction with gastroenterologist Dr. Braden Kuo at Harvard University.

Article by: Anthony Gucciardi
February 20, 2012
Posted on

Qnexa Approach to Weight Loss Available NOW!

Today, Thursday, 2012-02-23, a U.S. FDA advisory panel recommended the FDA approve the new weight-loss drug Qnexa. The advisory panel voted 20-2 vote for approval, saying Qnexa's benefits for the chronically obese outweighed potential risks the drug may pose, according to ABC News.
Qnexa is a combination of two drugs - phentermine, which is a stimulant, and topiramate, a migraine drug - also known by the name Topamax.
An official approval or a rejection by the FDA of Qnexa is expected by April 17th.

       Why play the waiting game until April 17th?

Call 405-749-0900 TODAY and schedule an appointment to learn more & get started on the
Qnexa Approach to Weight Loss with one of our healthcare providers.

Why wait when you can get a jump start on the 
Qnexa Approach to Weight Loss tailored specifically for you NOW!!!!

To learn more visit us on the web….


According to the a glass of milk a day may help promote memory and overall mental performance.

G.E. Crichton, from the University of Maine (Maine, USA), and colleagues enrolled 900 men and women, ages 23 to 98 years, in a study involving a series of brain assessments – including visual-spatial, verbal and working memory tests. Crichton’s team also tracked the milk consumption habits of the participants.

In the series of eight different measures of mental performance, regardless of age and through all tests, those who drank at least one glass of milk each day had an advantage. The highest scores for all eight outcomes were observed for those with the highest intakes of milk and milk products compared to those with low and infrequent milk intakes.

Now the new Milk Ad can say, “Milk…It does a Body and Mind Good.” Here’s to milk moustaches everywhere!!!

You can Read the Full Article Posted on 2012-02-21 @

Inside the Box or Outside the Box?

Ever wonder why it seems we are behind most countries with thought provoking, cutting-edge medical treatments? Maybe because those other countries "venture" outside the box, while we in the U.S. stay "stuck" inside the box.



Dr. Albert T. W. Simeons, (1900–1970), English endocrinologist, schooled in Germany. Lived in India for 20 years and in the 1950’s developed the Medical hCG Diet for rapid weight loss which included a 500 calorie a day diet and very small doses of the hCG hormone daily. The Dr. moved to Italy to perfect the hCG Diet. Since being developed, Medical hCG has changed the lives of many obese people struggling to lose weight.



Many U.S. physicians and others in the medical community, and even the FDA have fought against Medical hCG, saying it’s a placebo and the 500 calorie a day diet is a starvation diet, even though it’s helped literally thousands lose weight and get healthy since the 1950’s. Under much scrutiny and heavy pressure, many physicians have had to increase the daily caloric intake for the hCG diet, so it’s not considered by U.S. standards to be “starvation”.




On November 29, 2011: SUSAN BIRK had a very interesting article appear on the Family Practice News Digital Network through the American Academy of Family Practice.

The article was regarding a four month Diabetes study conducted by  Dr. Sebastiaan Hammer of Leiden (the Netherlands) University Medical Center, which included a supervised, yet very restricted low calorie diet of 500 calories a day, resulting NOT in starvation, but rather, lasting impressive cardiac benefit from weight loss for ALL the participants involved.

Please See the VITALS from the Study Below:


Major Finding: Four months of a restricted-calorie diet produced lasting reductions in pericardial fat and improvements in left ventricular diastolic function in a study of obese adults with type 2 diabetes.

At the beginning of the study, all patients had a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2, were being treated with insulin, and had no cardiac complaints.

Disclosures: Dr. Hammer had no financial disclosures related to this study.

The common thread here is 500 calories a day for weight loss, through a cutting-edge program with a trusted physician under supervision. I’m not a physician, just a blogger, who happened to have lost weight on 500 calories a day with medical hCG…and for the record, I DID NOT STARVE! I’m very healthy now after losing all the weight 3 yrs. ago. We did modify the diet at BHC from 500 calories to 750 calories daily.

We should ALL think outside the box!

If you would like to read the complete article on Dr. Hammer's Diabetes Study, copy and paste the following link:

5 Tips to Boost Energy and End Fatigue

1. Eat within an hour of waking.

2. Recognize that increased stress may make you prone to eat more.

3. Make it a combo platter: good carbs, lean protein and healthy fat.

4. Eat less food more often throughout the day.

5. Get a good night’s sleep.

Bonus Tip: Get fit! You will truly increase your body’s capacity and be less fatigued. In addition, people who exercise for 150 minutes a week (which is just 30 minutes, 5 days a week) have been shown to sleep better than those who do not!   

By Heidi Skolnik, MS, CN, FACSM, Nutrition Conditioning, LLC
Women’s Sports Medicine Center at Hospital for Special Surgery


To all of our followers, patients, family members and friends….wishing you all a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Remember, the gift of love is in your heart and it’s measured daily by your actions, not in the monetary price you pay or the size and amount of the gift you give on just this one day!


Patient's Positive Attitude For Change!

 These are “Actual” Before and After Patient Pictures.
Astounding Difference!!! Doesn’t She Look Amazing Now?!

This is an actual patient in her 50’s that made the decision to get healthy through one of our LoseIt4me Weight Loss and Wellness Programs. With support and a positive attitude, she did great and is getting healthy!
She’s now taking advantage of our Anti-Aging and
Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and turning back the hands of time.

No Challenge Too Great For Our Patients!

Congratulations to all our weight loss & wellness patients! They followed our customized Fit4me Plans and contributed 67,000 POUNDS of weight loss to this year’s Oklahoma City 1 Million Challenge!
One patient, Penny, followed a Fit4Me plan and lost 200 pounds. She was and is featured on the OKCMillion website. Another Fit4Me patient shared their testimonial at the News Conference this past week celebrating 1 Million Pounds Lost. 
It’s not too late to make your New Year’s Resolution for a New You in 2012 !! We have a customized Fit4me weight loss & wellness Plan just for YOU.
Visit our website to see how we can begin to help YOU right now

If Wishing Could Make It So

Tired of losing at weight loss? If only wishing could make it so…
Learn how to get your diet going by goal setting, getting a diet buddy, and finding the best diet for you. Learn about smart snacks and diet danger zones. The following are ideas and services offered at Barreto Health Care through our Fit4me Weight Loss & Wellness Programs and Healthy Lifestyle Education Behahior Modification.
Set realistic short term and long term weight loss goals. Discover how to adopt new behaviors, like eating less and exercising more, to boost weight loss. Write it all down!
If you’re tired of dieting alone, find a weight loss buddy. Learn how partnering for weight loss can boost morale and keep you from giving up when diet plateaus hit.
Learn what to look for when selecting a weight loss program. Discover how to stick with the program once you get going. We have customized programs and on-going support.
Get the real facts about fad diets, and learn some healthy weight loss strategies that really work. Diet, exercise and journaling everything always works.
Will you be a diet success story? Assess your diet goals and plan. Document, document, document.
Learn the benefits and risks of very low-calorie diets.
Discover the habits that can help you stay on a diet and lose pounds fast.
Learn tips for smart snacking that can help keep you full between meals.
Discover simple ways to break food cravings with Healthy Lifestyle Education.
Discover ways to keep from gaining weight once you’ve reached your goal weight.

Penny's Resolution...Lose Weight & Get Healthy

Penny struggled with her weight and health for years. She finally decided to get serious about weight loss and wellness and lost 200 pounds in 10 months! Way to go Penny!

Take aim at your target weight in 2012 and
 resolve to see a healthy new YOU!!

Which Came First, The Chicken or The Egg?

We all know the famous saying of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" This adage is perceived as a paradox, because it is believed that only a chicken can produce a chicken egg and only a chicken egg can produce a chicken. This is commonly referred to as a causality dilemma or catch-22. Can the same be said for a healthy diet encouraging exercise? Or is it exercise that encourages a healthy diet? So, which comes first?



According to an article posted 2011-12-23 on, this particular causality dilemma or catch-22 has been solved. It seems that Exercise Encourages a Healthy Diet, as further explained in the post below:

While a healthy diet and the right amount of exercise are considered to be key players in treating and preventing obesity, Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA) researchers reveal that an increase in physical activity is linked to an improvement in diet quality.  Miguel Alonso Alonso and colleagues analyzed data from epidemiological studies, finding that tendencies towards a healthy diet and the right amount of physical exercise often come hand in hand. Furthermore, an increase in physical activity is usually linked to a parallel improvement in diet quality.  Exercise also brings benefits such as an increase in sensitivity to physiological signs of fullness. This not only means that appetite can be controlled better but it also modifies hedonic responses to food stimuli. Therefore, benefits can be classified as those that occur in the short term (of metabolic predominance) and those that are seen in the long term (of behavioral predominance). Commenting that: “By enhancing the resources that facilitate ‘top-down’ inhibitory control, increased physical activity may help compensate and suppress the hedonic drive to over-eat,” the study authors submit that: “Understanding how physical activity and eating behaviors interact on a neurocognitive level may help to maintain a healthy lifestyle in an obesogenic environment.”

R. J. Joseph, M. Alonso-Alonso, D. S. Bond, A. Pascual-Leone, G. L. Blackburn.  “The neurocognitive connection between physical activity and eating behavior.”  Obesity Reviews, Volume 12, Issue 10, October 2011, Pages: 800–812.

Which came first? Chicken or the egg…egg or the chicken. Which should come first? Exercise then a healthy diet...healthy diet then exercise. Whichever you believe actually comes first doesn’t really matter…as long as you are exercising and eating a healthy diet, then you are choosing to be HEALTHY in 2012! Happy New Year!!!!