
If Wishing Could Make It So

Tired of losing at weight loss? If only wishing could make it so…
Learn how to get your diet going by goal setting, getting a diet buddy, and finding the best diet for you. Learn about smart snacks and diet danger zones. The following are ideas and services offered at Barreto Health Care through our Fit4me Weight Loss & Wellness Programs and Healthy Lifestyle Education Behahior Modification.
Set realistic short term and long term weight loss goals. Discover how to adopt new behaviors, like eating less and exercising more, to boost weight loss. Write it all down!
If you’re tired of dieting alone, find a weight loss buddy. Learn how partnering for weight loss can boost morale and keep you from giving up when diet plateaus hit.
Learn what to look for when selecting a weight loss program. Discover how to stick with the program once you get going. We have customized programs and on-going support.
Get the real facts about fad diets, and learn some healthy weight loss strategies that really work. Diet, exercise and journaling everything always works.
Will you be a diet success story? Assess your diet goals and plan. Document, document, document.
Learn the benefits and risks of very low-calorie diets.
Discover the habits that can help you stay on a diet and lose pounds fast.
Learn tips for smart snacking that can help keep you full between meals.
Discover simple ways to break food cravings with Healthy Lifestyle Education.
Discover ways to keep from gaining weight once you’ve reached your goal weight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    The resource on fad diets is quite limited in info. I found another resource that is much more indepth and detailed. You can see here: Might be worth linking to.
