
hCG Diet Shot Tips for Self Injection

So, you’ve decided you CAN DO THIS! You can give yourself not just a shot; but a shot everyday….REALLY???!!! Then you see the size of the needle! Panic!! Now you get more than a little nervous…REALLY??!!! Yes you can!! No you can't!!! Yes you can!! Can you really stab yourself with a needle everyday for 20 or 40 days….REALLY???!!!! This is exactly what goes through so many people's minds as they wonder if the weight loss is really going to be worth it....
The best approach to easing your discomfort is to have a nurse in the clinic assist you with self administration of your shots until you are confident. But, if your physician has sent you home with pre-mixed injections of Medical hCG for your weight loss protocol, with little or no instruction, these tips may help with any fears or reservations you may have regarding self administration of your hCG shots. 

How to administer hCG shots for weight loss:

▪Clean the area with an alcohol swab in a circular motion, from center out.
▪Allowing the alcohol to air dry will somewhat ease the discomfort of the shot.
▪Relax the muscles prior to injection. Gently pinch the skin and insert the needle directly into the muscle.  You do not need to insert the entire needle if not necessary. 
▪Pull back on the syringe slightly to check for blood in the syringe.  If there is blood, simply reinsert the needle in another location.  Inject the medication quickly or slowly- whichever is more comfortable for you.
▪It is not abnormal to see a small amount of bleeding at the injection site.  Direct pressure will stop the bleeding and prevent bruising of the skin.  Slight swelling, redness, burning, or itching is not uncommon and should subside shortly.
  ▪Rotate injection sites to help prevent or lessen bruising and tenderness.

For videos with step-by-step instructions for self injection,  we have included the following link:

Time is a Gift Given Everyday....

Imagine. . . .
There is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400.  It carries over no balance from day to day.  Every evening it deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out ALL OF IT, of course!!!!

Each of us has such a bank. Its name is
TIME.  Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft.

Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours.

There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow". You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success!  The clock is running. Make the most of today.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.

To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE-SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time.

And remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!!!

How Are You Sleeping? Did You Know?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is prevalent in many overweight people. What is OSA? It is a common condition, in which the upper airway repeatedly collapses during sleep.

Factors other than excess weight that may cause the airway to collapse during sleep:
∙Extra tissue in the back of the airway
∙Decrease in the tone of the muscles holding the airway open
∙The tongue falling back and closing off the airway

Some of the possible signs and symptoms of OSA:
∙Snoring, gasping or choking during sleep
∙Restless sleep
∙Excessive sleepiness or fatigue during the day
∙Crowded airway
∙High blood pressure

Prevalence of OSA…Facts are as follows:
∙Many of the 20 million people in the U.S. suspected of having OSA may have an increased risk for other serious health conditions.
∙As many as 5 to 10 percent of adults in the U.S. have OSA, and it’s higher in Asians, Hispanic women and African-Americans.
∙85 to 90 percent of people within the U.S. who may have OSA have not been identified.

If left untreated, this condition (OSA) has been associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, depression, uncontrolled diabetes and stroke. But with diagnosis and treatment, obesity and many other high risk illnesses can be reversed.

If you feel you may fall into any of these categories and/or feel you may have any of these symptoms, or suspect you may have OSA you may want to schedule an appointment with your Primary Care Provider for further testing at an area Sleep Institute. We recommend Oklahoma Sleep Institute. Visit their website at:

SWEET DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!

Medical hCG Diet is Contrary to Medical Advise

Many in the medical community believe that the proper medical advise is to ingest your minimum calorie needs for proper health. These are also called your resting calorie needs, or your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This varies from physician to physician, but usually falls somewhere around 1,200 calories a day minimum. What those in the medical community do not understand, is that your body does get all the calorie requirements that it needs when you are on the Medical hCG Diet. The difference is that you use your own calories that have been pulled from your existing excess fatty deposits, instead of externally putting them into your body through your mouth by eating them. The result is that you do indeed get your needed BMR calories, yet you lose weight in the process.
Many physicians, like **Dr. Oz, are exploring the possibilities of the Medical hCG Diet and beginning to feel this is actually very good (short-term) medical advise. The hCG Diet results in better health since you lose the weight, get healthy and reduce dependency on prescription medications relating to previous weight conditions. You don’t hear these same critics scolding physicians who perform "potentially risky" lap band or gastric bypass surgeries, which have similar calorie restrictive diets that must be longterm in order to keep the stomach/pouch small.

Question for the critics…even if the Medical hCG Diet did go against your medical advise, would it be better to be fat with all the associated health risks, or maybe go against your proper advise of minimum calorie needs for a short period of time and lose the excess weight in order to get healthy?

**To see Dr. Oz's TV shows on Medical hCG go to Link below:

Men's Health Week – June 13th-19th 2011

During Men’s Health Week 2011 we want to focus on men’s strengths in creating a healthy and happier world for themselves, their families and the community.

Why? Because according to a survey taken at a Cleveland Clinic: Many men take better care of their cars than they do of their own bodies, but they must know that they are important to their family, friends, and society and themselves!

And on we found the following startling statistics about Men’s Health & Wellness: Did you know that men are less likely to seek help for health problems than women? This, along with certain biological factors, makes it important for men to pay attention to health issues as they arise. Some heart problems and certain cancers could be prevented if men would seek medical treatment on a more regular basis. To reduce the risk of health problems that men face, they should make efforts to stop smoking, increase their daily physical activity level, and eat more nutritious foods. Taking these steps can reduce the risk of acquiring health conditions like diabetes and obesity. Men ignore their health and hide their feelings, which can be a deadly combination; so if someone you know is experiencing feelings of depression, make sure they talk to a counselor. Suicide is one of the top 10 health threats that men face today.


These are the very reasons why we should all be very aware of the health & wellness of the men in our lives. Why we should encourage them to express themselves and take care of their health, as well as their bodies, and why we honor them…it is to keep them healthy, wealthy, wise and alive!!


Celebrating Men's Health Week each year, the third week in June, is one of the best ways possible to honor our Male Friends, Brothers, Husbands, Fathers, Grandfathers and Great-Grandfathers, as we end this special week with Father’s Day!!

To all the Fathers Near and Far…


Out With the Old…In With the New!

                 2005 Pyramid

1992 Pyramid  &  New "MyPlate"



June 2, 2011, the USDA introduced us to "MyPlate," which is the new and improved version of  the decades-old food pyramid; which was first introduced in 1992 by the the U.S. Department of Agriculture, then revamped in 2005.  Secretary Vilsack said during the press conference announcing the “MyPlate” concept with the new icon, "though the old food pyramid has a lot of good information, the reality is that it's too complex a symbol to translate well to meals for Americans." MyPlate, by contrast, is a "simple, visual, research-based icon that is a clear, unmistakable message about portion size," Vilsack said.

"MyPlate" promotes fruits and vegetables, which cover half the circle, in an attempt to battle the obesity epidemic. Grains occupy one quarter of the plate. Proteins such as meat, fish and poultry occupy one quarter of the plate as well. A glass of milk, cheese or yogurt rest to the side of the circle. Desserts, sugars, fats and oils are not even mentioned. “MyPlate” is explained further under the new icon on the website as follows:
Balancing Calories
▪Enjoy your food, but eat less.
▪Avoid oversized portions.

Foods to Increase
▪Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
▪Make at least half your grains whole grains.
▪Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.

Foods to Reduce
▪Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals ― and choose the foods with lower numbers.
▪Drink water instead of sugary drinks.        

The new plate is supposed to serve more as a visual and artistic tool for diners to eat healthily because it represents an actual plate. The USDA wanted to do away with "MyPyramid" because they claim it was too complex and had too much information for someone to absorb. will eventually feature interactive tools that help people manage their weight and track exercise.

Some people like the idea of putting a fresh new face on the old pyramid. Others feel it’s a waste of time and money; while some others feel it’s too simplistic and cartoonish to be taken seriously.

Well……….Ever heard of the K.I.S.S. method? For those who haven’t, the nice version is… Keep It Simple Sweetie. If it’s visually simple and it helps to motivate people to make better food choices, well that’s a no-brainer! With the obesity rate at an all time high, we can use all the help we can get, anywhere we can get it from!!!

Any thoughts on the New “MyPlate” Pyramid?


Dynamic Duo of Medical hCG

Once again we say, “Eat your heart out!” to those Medical Experts who say that Medical hCG for weight loss is fake and nothing more than an expensive placebo.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the following before and after pictures of our husband and wife team, Carl and Debi, should literally scream volumes and shut the so-called Medical Experts up!!!

Our Dynamic Duo began their journey with Medical hCG on 4/22/2011. While being each other’s support, they made lifestyle changes, which they both plan to adhere to even after they finish maintenance.

On June 10, 2011…after 50 days on Medical hCG with amazing results, Carl has lost almost 30 pounds and Debi has lost right at 25 pounds!!!!! Way to Go you Two!!!!
We are so proud of you!!!

By the way…it appears that Medical hCG does indeed work for weight loss!! How many times do we have to prove this?

Vitamins, Supplements & Medications with Medical hCG?

7. Should I continue my vitamins and supplements while on Medical hCG?
It is best to avoid the use of vitamins and supplements while on the Medical hCG Diet plan, as their ingredients might interfere with the effectiveness of the hCG and your weight loss. Continuing to use of vitamins and supplements while on Medical hCG should be discussed with your physician before starting the program.

8. Should I continue my prescribed THYROID medication while on Medical hCG?

If you are on thyroid medication due to a surgical or ablation removal of the gland, you need to continue the medication. If thyroid medication is prescribed for any other reason, your physician should review your medical condition and recommend appropriately. Some physicians discontinue for the time you are on the hCG. Your medication requirements may change (decrease) as a result of weight loss while on Medical hCG. It is best to trust your physician with this.

9. Should I continue my prescribed water pill and other prescribed medications while on Medical hCG?
If you are on a water pill for control of volume overload or for conditions like hypertension, please let your doctor know so an appropriate recommendation can be made. Apart from thyroid medication (see #8), diuretics (see #9), vitamins and supplements (see #7), all other prescription medications must be continued.  Your requirement for blood pressure medication and diabetes medication may change with the weight loss, so make sure you have your physician monitor both regularly. If you experience any symptoms

Keeping the Weight Off After Medical hCG

Many people lose weight with the Medical hCG diet, and then comes the immediate concern of ways they can keep the weight off. They are aware that they won’t be eating 500 calories a day forever and the fear of gaining the weight back is very real. Let’s go over some ways to help maintain the weight loss and keep the weight from creeping back on.
1. Maintain your newfound Lifestyle Changes!Lose your bad habits for good: Please don’t lose 15, 25, 50 pounds or more, doing everything right, only to buy new clothes and then immediately go back to your old habits that got you in trouble in the first place. Write down what you struggle with and do what you can to avoid those habits. For most people it is eating out, soda and after hours eating. If you are a soda drinker then stay away. The problem is like any other habit in that when one comes back we tend to get right back into the world we were in before and that’s where problems are.
2. Following through on the Maintenance Phase is Vital: Some people feel like they can reward themselves for such great weight loss. We say that is a great idea but do the celebrating after the maintenance phase is completed. The maintenance phase is critical because of the way your body resets itself.
3. This is part of the Lifestyle Changes! Exercise: Once you have completed the program you may begin to really exercise and do some strength training. There is no better time to start an exercise program, as you’ll see  results from working out much quicker because of all the fat that has been lost. Don’t go overboard too early, but rather allow yourself a chance to break in slowly. Exercise and weight training is a good way to keep your bad habits away.
4. Weigh Yourself Often: We suggest as part of the maintenance phase and afterwards you weigh at least once a week. Anytime you are up two pounds, you are to have an apple and steak day to pull the weight back off immediately.
Medical hCG Diet patients should always remember, the restrictive diet, the medication and rapid weight loss is not a forever process, but the lifestyle changes and maintaining the weight loss is a long-term process…but well worth the effort!!!

Overcoming Cravings While on Medical hCG Diet

Each person is different but one thing is always the same.  Something triggers the want, need or desire to go on a diet.  It might be a reunion coming up or your clothes don’t fit right or something else, but something always triggers it.  Once you start dieting, then old cravings start to come back into play to try to trip you up and slow you down.  Everyone goes through it. However, when these cravings hit you let’s talk about some ways they can be overcome.
Cravings usually come from habits.  Some crave chips while watching sports.  Others crave ice creams, candy or soda during certaing times of the day or during tv shows.  So the first step to overcoming a craving is to recognize exactly what it is.  The reason many of us are on the Medical hCG diet is because we never learned how to handle these cravings so we would overeat. The inability to stop overeating is an issue that we all have to overcome while on the hCG diet.
One of the main things people really need to eat while on the hCG diet are foods with fiber in them. This really gets things moving in your body and helps a lot in weight loss. Fresh foods are best and frozen is your next choice. Stay away from canned or boxed items due to preservatives.  Below we are going to look at some areas of typical concern and how we can better handle them.
Salty Foods- (high in sodium)-This is one of the worst things you can do.  Salt forces the body to retain water and is the main cause of bloating.  We’ve all been a victim of it before and it is important to know what is going on when you eat a lot of salty foods.  Salty foods also trigger something in your brain to keep eating them.  That’s why it is so hard to stop at one chip.  When you crave salt then pick something else.  Have a vegetable like squash with your dinner.  If you have some chicken on your lettuce for dinner then throw some seasonings on there to help overcome this craving.  Just be smart about it.  Instead of reaching for the chips just use different seasonings that are approved and you’ll get past it. 
Sugar Snacks-I consider myself a sugaraholic and whenever I would get started on one piece of candy I would go to another and then another.  It was crazy and the first thing I craved when on the Medical hCG diet.  I learned to overcome this fairly easily when  realized what some good substitutes were.  The first thing I did was have fruit that was cut up already and in the fridge or frozen.  I was prepared so that when the craving came I could go to the fridge and get my cut up fruit. 
Just remember…when you make a mistake you can’t go back and change it but you can stop doing it and learn from it.  When you make a mistake on the Medical hCG diet it is the exact same.  Learn from it and don’t do it again.

Medical hCG Side Effect “Now” Appearing Near End of Treatment

When a person is overweight, unhealthy and unhappy because they have struggled for years with their weight and the numbers on the scales have done the yo-yo thing for just as long; and the sizes of the clothes in their closet resemble the variety of sizes found in a clothing store…who could possibly blame that person in their desperate search for weight loss that actually works, and is not a passing “Fad” resulting in additional weight gained back, but rather, leaves them not only with rapid weight loss, but also with lifestyle changes that can be managed and maintained for life; a healthier, more fit life than they ever had before. Medical hCG has given this “healthy & fit” life back to literally thousands of chronically overweight people….like our patient, Candy B, who began her weight loss journey with Medical hCG in Jan. 2011 with no “initial” side effects. See her Start Picture Below (she would never take pictures):

About three months into the Medical hCG Diet, Candy is working hard, not cheating and has become a pro at the restrictive hCG diet program, with injections and weighing everyday, seeing the numbers on her scales steadily decreasing daily and weekly; as her Physician has had to adjust her medications down accordingly. She’s also had to watch her once tight clothing get loose, then just too baggy to wear anymore. Then it was time to move down to those clothes stored from the 90’s, she swore she would one day get back into. So, they’re a bit outdated…who cares!!! She just went out and bought herself some new that will put a smile on anyone face!!! It’s April 2011 and Candy’s lost 50 pounds on Medical hCG and feeling great with no side effects!!! See her April 2011 Picture Below (she will actually take a picture):

Now it’s June 2011 and Candy’s about to begin her 3rd and final round of Medical hCG!!! She has lost a staggering 71 pounds since starting in January and feels great!! We are so proud of her!!! She is getting healthy and can’t wait to finish hCG and start an exercise program for life! Candy’s favorite thing, “I now shop on the other side of the store at Cato’s”!!!! We are starting to see hints of hCG side effects….those effects are “extreme happiness” due to a healthier, thinner person!!! Look at Candy’s Picture Below & See for Yourself:

And remember...she's not done yet!!! Doesn't she look Fabulous!!!!!