
hCG Diet Shot Tips for Self Injection

So, you’ve decided you CAN DO THIS! You can give yourself not just a shot; but a shot everyday….REALLY???!!! Then you see the size of the needle! Panic!! Now you get more than a little nervous…REALLY??!!! Yes you can!! No you can't!!! Yes you can!! Can you really stab yourself with a needle everyday for 20 or 40 days….REALLY???!!!! This is exactly what goes through so many people's minds as they wonder if the weight loss is really going to be worth it....
The best approach to easing your discomfort is to have a nurse in the clinic assist you with self administration of your shots until you are confident. But, if your physician has sent you home with pre-mixed injections of Medical hCG for your weight loss protocol, with little or no instruction, these tips may help with any fears or reservations you may have regarding self administration of your hCG shots. 

How to administer hCG shots for weight loss:

▪Clean the area with an alcohol swab in a circular motion, from center out.
▪Allowing the alcohol to air dry will somewhat ease the discomfort of the shot.
▪Relax the muscles prior to injection. Gently pinch the skin and insert the needle directly into the muscle.  You do not need to insert the entire needle if not necessary. 
▪Pull back on the syringe slightly to check for blood in the syringe.  If there is blood, simply reinsert the needle in another location.  Inject the medication quickly or slowly- whichever is more comfortable for you.
▪It is not abnormal to see a small amount of bleeding at the injection site.  Direct pressure will stop the bleeding and prevent bruising of the skin.  Slight swelling, redness, burning, or itching is not uncommon and should subside shortly.
  ▪Rotate injection sites to help prevent or lessen bruising and tenderness.

For videos with step-by-step instructions for self injection,  we have included the following link:


  1. Hi,

    A healthy body can lose weight faster than a malnourished body. So it’s worth remembering that there are 22 vitamins and minerals which are essential for the control of our weight and metabolism. HCG injections usually dieters use a 1″ needle for HCG injections, which is long enough to reach deep in the muscle for better absorption of the HCG. Thanks a lot...

    HCG Diet Shots

  2. I heard that the HCG shots are danger? Is it true?


  3. I appreciate your idea here. Definitely it has a good content. Thank you for imparting more of your own thoughts. Good job! Hcg diet
