
When you lose weight, where does the lost body fat go?

Body fat breaks down during a series of complex metabolic processes.

When you burn more calories than you consume, your body uses fat (triglycerides) for energy. This causes your fat cells to shrink. In turn, triglycerides are broken down into two different substances — glycerol and fatty acids — which are absorbed into your liver, kidneys and muscle tissue. From there, the glycerol and fatty acids are further broken down by chemical processes that ultimately produce energy for your body.

These activities generate heat, which helps maintain your body temperature. The resulting waste products — water and carbon dioxide — are excreted in urine and sweat or exhaled from your lungs.

Even though this whole process sounds really gross—end result is a leaner, healthier, happier YOU!

25 Lessons I Wish I Had Learned WAY Sooner

When I think of my younger, more energetic, stupider self, I think, “Holy crap.  If I knew then what I know now…”  Well, here are some of the things I wish I knew then.

1.      1 out of 4 people that you meet won’t like you.  That’s really OK.
2.      Life isn’t fair.  Most of the time it’s not fair in your favor, so don’t whine about life not being fair.
3.      Save your money!
4.      No one knows what you’re thinking unless you tell them.
5.      Perfectionism will kill you.
6.      You’re stronger than you think you are.
7.      You think that sexism and racism were in the olden days.  They’re not.
8.      Comparing yourself to others is never a good idea.
9.      When someone shows you who they are, believe them.  People are consistent.
10. Develop critical thinking skills and use them.
11. Never hide your intelligence from anyone.
12. Trust your instincts.
14. Spend less time worrying about the shape of your body & more time on your health.
15. Stay away from credit cards.
16. Women, there are lots of men who will be nice to you.  Accept nothing less.
17. Be nicer to yourself too.
18. For the most part, it doesn’t matter what people think.  Follow your own truth.
19. No education is wasted. Drink in as many new experiences as you can.
20. Pay your dues.  Work hard.
21. Networking is critical.
22. Letting go of control is liberating.  Try it.
23. Don’t treat anyone badly.  You’ll be surprised when they’ll pop up again in your life.
24. Do what you love, not what you think you’re supposed to do.
25. Don’t forget to enjoy your journey!

6 Pains You Should Never Ignore

Usually a headache is just a headache, and heartburn is nothing more than a sign that your last meal didn’t agree with you. Except when they’re not.

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t quite right. More often than not, you have some idea of what’s behind it. But when it comes on suddenly, lingers longer than usual, or just seems different, it calls for medical attention—and the sooner, the better.

1. Chest Pain
With the wide range of heart attack symptoms, there are three good indicators that something isn’t right, and they can occur in either gender. They are chest pain that doesn’t go away, varied shortness of breath, and any upper body pain that hasn’t occurred before. If you experience any of these symptoms you should call your doctor or 911 immediately.


2. Severe Head Pain
Typically it’s a headache or migraine, but if it isn’t accompanied by other migraine symptoms (such as a visual aura); sudden, severe head pain can signal a brain aneurysm. “A burst aneurysm can cause brain damage within minutes, so you need to call 911 immediately. If not an emergency you should contact your doctor.

3. A Throbbing Tooth
It’s likely that the tooth’s nerve has become damaged, probably because the surrounding pearly white enamel is cracked or rotting away. Unless you get it patched up quickly, bacteria in your mouth can invade the nerve. Then travel into your body. Not only is this very painful, but can be very costly dental repair.


 4. Sharp Pain in Your Side

This would be more than a strained muscle. If you feel as if you’re being skewered in your right side, and you’re also nauseated and running a fever, you could have appendicitis. For women, another possibility is an ovarian cyst. You should contact your doctor immediately or go to the ER.


 5. Back Pain with Tingling Toes

If you’ve just helped your cousin move into her new fourth-floor apartment and hurt your back, anti-inflammatories should banish the pain. But if they don’t work, hobble to your doctor immediately.

6. Leg Pain with Swelling
Your calf is extremely tender in one location, noticeably swollen, and red or warm to the touch. You might have deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), commonly known as a blood clot. Resist the urge to massage the area or to try walking off the pain. If the clot breaks free, it can travel through your veins up to your lungs and cut off your oxygen supply. Instead, see your doctor right away.

We all have those occasional aches and pains that come and go with daily life. Rule of thumb, my Mother told me years ago…an ache or pain that should NOT be ignored will not go away and will not get better!!! Learn to listen to your body and trust your Primary Care Physician.

Lose The Spare Tire With Just Two Exercises

How can you lose fat with just two exercises?  Well, think about this. Running is just one exercise, but no one questions that when it comes to burning fat. According to an article done online for Men’s Health earlier this week, the following two exercises, called The Countdown Workout, will indeed take care of your spare tire!

Here's how it works:
You do 15 repetitions of the kettlebell swing (you can also use a dumbbell for this), followed immediately by 15 reps of the squat thrust. (See below for descriptions of both exercises.) Without resting, do 14 reps of the swing and then 14 reps of the squat thrust. Continue this pattern until you complete only one rep of each exercise.

Sure, that's just two exercises, but do the math: If you complete the entire routine -- from 15 down to 1 -- you'll do 120 repetitions of each exercise. That's 240 repetitions. And these aren't just any exercises: They're movements that challenge your entire body.

They're also done at a fast pace. On average, it'll only take you about three seconds per rep. So you'll do those 240 reps in just 12 minutes or so. That'll light your muscles on fire, and have you gasping for air (in a good way).
If you think that sounds too easy or too fast, I suggest you try it. You may find you can't even finish. But that's okay -- you can just start with a lower number, like 8, and work your way up as you improve your fitness. (In fact, I recommend this strategy.) What's more, if you want an even greater challenge, you can always take a breather and repeat the routine.

Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Swing
Bend at your hips and hold a kettlebell (or dumbbbell) with both hands at arm’s length in front of you. Now rock back slightly and “hike” kettlebell between your legs. Then squeeze your glutes, thrust your hips forward forcefully, and swing the weight to shoulder height. Allow momentum to swing the weight—you're not trying to actively lift it with your arms. Reverse the movement, so that you swing the kettlebell between your legs again. Make sure you don't round your lower back at any time; it should stay naturally arched when you bend at your hips. Continue to swing back and forth. Watch the video below to see fitness expert David Jack show you how to do the kettlebell swing with perfect form.

Squat Thrust
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bending at your hips and knees, squat down and lower your body until you can place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs backward—into a pushup position—and then immediately reverse the move and quickly stand up from the squat. That's 1 rep. To make the exercise even more challenging, you can jump up from the squat instead of simply standing up quickly. Watch the video below to see strength coach David Jack do the squat thrust.

An important note: This isn't a complete workout program, but it is a great routine that you can do almost anywhere, anytime. And it's a fantastic substitute for 15 minutes on the treadmill.

The Twister’s – Buff getting “Buff” with Medical hCG


"Buff" Before Medical hCG

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems we face not only within the United States, but globally. As of March 2011, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity around the globe has more than doubled since 1980. Therefore we have more overweight people nowadays, and it is not making our lives any easier. 65% of people all over the world die of obesity rather than malnutrition, because obesity is accompanied by a series of illnesses that disable a person from enjoying activities and everyday life.

There are many diseases accompanied with obesity such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension or high blood pressure, including sleep apnea (skipping of breathing during sleeping). Everyday life is interrupted due to the heavy weight we are carrying. When we lose weight, we can be involved in fun activities and there is no need to miss out on life with family and friends. Sickness is prevented and once the extra weight is off, you will feel light, you can do more work and above all, there will be a peaceful sleep. Losing weight means living a longer and healthier life. We are not only doing this for ourselves, but also for our loved ones.

"Buff" 35 Days Later 39 Pounds Lighter!!!
These are many of the reasons why radio personality, Craig B, known as “Buff” from 101.9 -The Twister came to Barreto Health Care for Medical hCG on May 31, 2011. With his family’s support and the Doctor’s supervision Craig has dropped 39 pounds as of July 18, 2011 (35 days) and feels great!!! He is still following the Medical hCG protocol to date and continues losing weight to reach his goal. We will post more pictures and update followers when Buff reaches his healthy goal weight.

A Happy Buff Getting "Buff" & Healthy!!!
Props to you Buff for working hard to get healthy and “Buff” for yourself and your family!!!!

Is Eating Fruit Making You Fat?

If you've read the most popular diet books for the past decade, then the answer is a resounding YES!
But is there scientific rationale for the demonization of something we've been told to eat daily?

Popular Diets' Fruit Philosophies

  • The ever-popular Dukan diet shuns them - too high in carbs, says the good doctor.
  • And no surprise that the darling of low carb, Gary Taubes recommends eschewing fruits.
  • Ditto for Tim Ferris, author of "The 4-hour Body" who includes the avoidance of fruit as one of his "slow carb" diets 5 rules.
  • And another new kid on the diet book block, "The 17-Day Diet", recommends not eating any fruit after , Eastern Standard Time (or something equally ridiculous).
  • And let's not forget the scads of books based on the glycemic index scale - with a variety of fruits higher in glycemic index strictly verboten - the equivalent of drinking a blended snickers bar.

Does Research Agree?

Before looking at the data, we must apply context. Any category of food can be "fattening" in high enough amounts. Gorging on mangos, bananas and apples all day long will hinder any fat loss goal.

Also, having said fruit in the form of juice adds copious amounts of sugar and calories to the diet without yielding much in the way of nutrition - even though they count as "servings" of fruit.
While studies that examine strictly fruit intake and body composition are hard to come by, you know what's impossible to come by? Studies that show fruit consumption CAUSES weight gain.

Here's a study that showed a net fat loss with 3 apples or pears per day.
Add that to the multitude of studies showing vegetable and fruit consumption boosts health in many ways and you'd be hard-pressed to convince me to ditch my daily apple.

And if these authors are trying to play the "fruit-drives-insulin-and-insulin-makes-you-fat" card - wrong again! Doesn't happen when calories are kept in check and protein is adequate.  Moderation is the key. Good old logic always helps.

Eating a variety of fruits will give you a broad range of antioxidants and other phytonutrients that serve to lower disease risk. There is absolutely no need to eliminate them from your diet, not eat them after during a crescent moon when the dew point reaches 2.780, or in any other situation. Just don't go overboard!!!! Remember as with everything in your diet…everything in moderation.