
What’s Causing Your Back Pain? Myth vs. Fact

The Truth About Back Pain
It might be a sharp stab. It might be a dull ache. Sooner or later, eight out of 10 of us will have back pain. Back pain is common -- and so are back pain myths. See if you can tell the myths from the facts.

Myth: Always sit up straight to prevent back pain.
Okay, slouching is bad for your back. But sitting up too straight too still for too long can be a strain on the back. If you sit a lot, try this a few times a day: Lean back in your chair with your feet on the floor and a slight curve in your back. Even better: Try standing for part of the day, while on the phone or while reading work materials.

Myth: Lifting heavy objects hurts your back.
It's not necessarily how much you lift, it's how you lift. Of course you shouldn't lift anything that might be too heavy for you. When you lift, squat close to the object with your back straight and head up. Stand, using your legs to lift the load. Do not twist or bend your body while lifting. It can really hurt your back to twist while bending and lifting with your feet on the floor -- as you might do when reaching down from a chair to lift a dropped pencil.
Myth: Stay in bed until back pain goes away.
Yes, resting can help an acute injury or strain that causes back pain. But it's a myth that you should stay in bed. A day or two in bed can make your back pain worse.
th: Back pain is always caused by an injury.
Fact: Overweight people suffer more back pain.
Staying fit helps prevent back pain. Back pain is most common among people who are out of shape, especially weekend warriors who engage in vigorous activity after sitting around all week. And as you might guess, obesity stresses the back.
Myth: Skinny people don't get back pain.
Anyone can get back pain. In fact, people who are too thin, such as those suffering from anorexia, an eating disorder, may suffer bone loss resulting in fractured or crushed vertebrae.
Myth: Exercise is bad for your back pain.
A big myth. Regular exercise prevents back pain. And for people suffering an acute injury resulting in lower back pain, doctors may recommend an exercise program that begins with gentle exercises and gradually increases in intensity. Once the acute pain subsides, an exercise regimen may help prevent future recurrence of back pain.
Fact: Chiropractic adjustments can help back pain.
The American College of Physicians and American Pain Society guidelines for treatment of lower back pain recommend that patients and doctors consider spinal manipulation -- either by a chiropractor or a massage therapist -- for patients with back pain.
Fact: Acupuncture can help back pain.
According to guidelines from the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society, patients and their doctors should consider acupuncture among treatments for back pain patients who do not get relief from standard self care. Yoga, progressive relaxation, and cognitive-behavioral therapy are also suggested for consideration.
Myth: A super-firm mattress is best for your back.
A Spanish study of people with longstanding, non-specific back pain showed that those who slept on a medium-firm mattress -- rated 5.6 on a 10-point hard-to-soft scale -- had less back pain and disability than those who slept on a firm mattress (2.3 on the scale) mattress. However, depending on their sleep habits and the cause of their back pain, different people may need different mattresses.

If you are suffering from back pain...don't self medicate...and don't continue to suffer! There is relief! Start with your Primary Care Physician...who can get you started on the road to a healthier and happier life...with no back pain!!!

hCG+ Rapitabs NOW AVAILABLE!!!

Introducing the Latest in
Cutting-Edge hCG Weight Loss
Only at Barreto Health Care

Convenient hCG On-The-Go
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Rapid Dissolve hCG Tablets for Weight Loss & Wellness

NO Refrigeration Required!!!!

To learn more about hCG+ Rapitabs, our Medical hCG Injections and
our other Weight Loss & Wellness Programs, visit our website at:

Watch Your Waistline Shrink This Summer With These iPhone, iPad & Android Apps

Your iPhone, iPad and Android is your lifeline to the world. You text, you call, you email, you bank, you shop and you should also monitor what you put in your mouth with your clever technological device. If this thought hasn’t occurred to you yet, check out some of these apps for calorie counting, healthy meal planning and workout scheduling that are sure to help whittle your middle.

Calorie Tracker – LIVESTRONG.COM   

For many health-conscious folks, counting calories is a way of everyday life. The Calorie Tracker – LIVESTRONG.COM app ($2.99) makes that task easier, as it combines calorie counting with goal setting and progress tracking. If you’re looking to jump-start weight loss or want an easy tool to help you maintain your weight, this app is sure to make your daily food intake and exercise reporting duties easier.

Cooking Light Recipes: Quick and Healthy Menu Maker

Watching your weight doesn’t mean you have to be relegated to a menu of bland food choices. Devise a tasty and healthy summer menu with the Cooking Light Recipes: Quick and Healthy Menu Maker app ($3.99). Healthy living is a savvy lifestyle that starts with learning how to cook in your kitchen and this meal planning app is a great way to start!

SELF Beach Body Workouts

Ladies who don’t frequent the gym too often will love the SELF Beach Body Workouts app ($0.99) for summer toning sessions. With a handy how-to opening, this app is super easy to use and will have you swinging the kettle balls to toned triceps in no time. Connect with social media streams via this fitness app to motivate your friends and receive encouragement back from them.

Nike Training Club

Bikini season is in high gear and if you’re anything like me, you would rather be shelling-out your hard earned dough on margaritas at the beach, and spending less on personal training sessions. Luckily, the free Nike Training Club app has the answer to well-toned abs and fresh cardio workouts all in the palm of your hand without having to flex your muscles and open your wallet.

Black & White Vinyasa

Experienced yogis will love this out of the ordinary, and might I say, challenging yoga app. Find your breath and follow the cues along with the beautiful and stark imagery in the free Black & White Vinyasa app.

These are just a few of the favorite apps currently available! You can search to find the apps most suited to your diet requirements, exercise preferences and lifestyle choices. So, here’s to your shrinking waistline thanks to some really cool apps!!! If you find an app that you feel is worth mentioning…please forward to us, so that we can share!!!

Vitamin Supplements: Natural or Synthetic?

In the very near future we will be offering specially formulated Vitamin Supplements in our clinic and online. Therefore, we felt it only fair to discuss the types of supplements available, and what to look for in purchasing a quality supplement. Obviously, we know our products will pass the test, as there was much time and effort put into the formulation process.
When researching, make sure the product’s ingredients are natural, whole plants herbs and supplements that are not synthetic or metallic minerals.  If herbs and plants or supplements are imported from another country, they will not have the same regulations, practice and standards as the United States.
You need to know the distinction between natural and synthetic forms of vitamins, amino acids and fat soluble vitamins and minerals. For instance the synthetic form of vitamin B 12 is cyanocobalamin and the natural form is methylcobalamin. You need to also recognize there are certain letters used for synthetic versions of amino acids and fat soluble vitamins.
Synthetic vitamins contain chemical compounds that were not meant for human consumption, devoid of necessary trace minerals and have been isolated, thus lacking the transporters and co-factors for your body to recognize, assimilate and utilize. Synthetic vitamins allow for either the storage waiting for the proper missing nutrients to assimilate, or use your own body’s mineral reserves to assimilate properly. If that is not possible the body will simply excrete without any attempts of assimilation. That makes for an expensive toilet trip.
A merging trend is dried whole foods and herbs or raw dried whole foods. Don’t fall prey to marketing ploys; it may not be the whole truth. There are products using standard pharmacopeia (United States Pharmacopeia USP) vitamins and combining them with dried foods and/or herbs then add in fillers and other additives. Basically you are paying more and not getting anything better than a conventional pharmaceutical grade supplement.
Be sure the company is providing full label disclosure, of active and non active ingredients. Research indicates that 5 out of 8 labels do not match the contents in the bottle. You want a product that lists all non-medicinal; standardizations of herbal extracts to indicate primary active marker compounds; and vitamin and minerals listed by true elemental weight.
Other ingredients listed may include sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltodextrin, concentrated fruit juices ect.), artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, Splenda), are there any preservatives such as BHT, potassium sorbate, benzonate, bisulfate, sulphite, nitrites, nitrate, additives, coloring and other toxins. If your product contains, one or a combination of any of these and other ingredients not mentioned, you need to look for another product.
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is; don’t be fooled by marketing words. Most companies will brag about ingredients but not the about the effectiveness of their product or proven health benefits. If they are advertising the latest fads or buzz words such as Acai and soy which is in everything; be leery. You may not be getting a product that will serve your needs. If the product makes claim of curing an ailment it is in direct violation with the FDA and it is illegal for any product to make claims of curing and having an impact on any disease or ailment.
If your product has past all of the above, the next step is to know and trust the company manufacturing your supplements. It is important more than ever to educate yourself on the validity of your supplement choice and know what to look for in a company.
Remember that supplements are just that—a supplement and compliment to a healthy diet and lifestyle. We hope this has been informative for anyone searching quality vitamin supplements. To learn more about our Health & Wellness SUPPLEMENTS COMING SOON!! Visit our website:

Setting Goals and Achieving Them

Les Brown
Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.
Cecil B. DeMille
Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That's dedication.

No matter your age or the determining factors for your decision…weight loss is a challenge! You must be motivated to lose weight and you must set goals. You must be dedicated, driven, stead-fast and determined with a great support system and you will achieve your goals!!! Just ask Mandy and Candy! Look at what each of these ladies’ have achieved in 6 months! Way to go!!!

Mandy decided to lose weight to feel better about herself. She went on a dietitian formulated 1200 calorie diet with an appetite suppressant and in 6 months she has lost 60 pounds and feels great!!!

Candy decided to get healthy and finally lose weight and quit the yo-yo dieting. She went on Medical hCG injections and in 6 months she has lost 80 pounds and she looks marvelous! Her cholesterol went from 241 to 162. Triglycerides went from 256 to 72.   Glucose went from 121 to 78. Hemoglobin went from 6.7 to 5.1. Definitely HEALTHY!!

For more information visit our website:

Clinical Trial ~~ Don't Wait! Participate!!

Call US!!!! Recruiting NOW!!!

We are Now Recruiting Qualified Participants for a CLINICAL TRIAL for HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE WITH DIABETES.

Our clinic has partnered with some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies and we are excited to offer residents of Oklahoma the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research.

Patients who choose to enroll in a Clinical Trial further the advancement and development of new therapies, while obtaining considerable personal benefit and improvement in health. All enrolment is 100% voluntary and open to all Oklahomans. Eligible patients are supervised by our physician for trial-related care. Patients continue to see their own Primary Care Physician and Specialists.

Got High Blood Pressure with Diabetes?
Barreto Health Care’s primary physician has over 12 years of experience in Clinical Research, and has supervised over 75 trials. More than 1,000 Oklahomans have safely participated in trials under her care, and contributed to the development of many life-saving medications now in use through-out the world.

Questions? Call Judy
Research Coordinator
So Don’t Wait, Participate! For more information please contact our Research Coordinator, Judy at 405-608-4111 or visit our website: