
Not All Fat Loss is the Same

One of the most important benefits of the hCG Diet is that it ensures that energy is released from the right type of fat, which means that it is the unhealthy, abnormal fat that is lost when this diet is being followed, rather than the useful types of fat which may also been lost when following other types of diets.
The three types of fat in the body are called structural, normal and abnormal fats. Structural fat plays an essential role in many parts of the body, for example by providing the cushioning in the soles of the feet that make it possible to walk comfortably and by surrounding and protecting the internal organs. Normal fat is also a useful type of fat in the body. It is stored just under the skin and it is also known as subcutaneous fat because it can help to keep the body warm.
Abnormal fat is the type of fat that people notice and want to eliminate. It tends to accumulate in certain parts of the body, such as the stomach, buttocks and thighs. This type of fat can begin to cause serious health problems and it does not perform any useful function in the body. Having a small amount of abnormal fat is not generally a problem, but large amounts of this fat can be very unhealthy. The hCG Diet targets abnormal fat because the hCG stimulates the release of the energy that is stored in the abnormal fat, rather than that, which is found in other types of fat in the body.

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