
Is Homeopathic HCG Really Copycat hCG?

hCG is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat infertility in both men and women. But its weight-loss roots trace back to the 1950s, when British endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeons realized that giving small, regular doses of Medical hCG, coupled with a 500 calorie a day diet, could use the body’s fat reserves for daily energy & weight loss, while preserving muscle.  
Exactly why the hCG diet is experiencing a revival now is unclear, but the hype has sparked many hCG spin-offs and copycats, like homeopathic HCG, which have forced a response from the FDA. The agency warned that homeopathic HCG is fraudulent and illegal according to the US News & World Report. Though the FDA said such products aren't necessarily dangerous, their sale is deceptive, since almost all homeopathic HCG products will test negative for any trace of Medical hCG. It is a very simple test should one want to check the validity of the product they are purchasing/have purchased. Several drops on a pregnancy test should show positive if hCG is present.
If there is no medical hCG in the system while on a 500 calorie a day diet, the body will use muscle as well as fat, but yes a person will still lose weight; just not healthy weight. With fake HCG the dieter is always hungry and very tired, their skin looks saggy and unhealthy and they have a general drawn facial look (an emaciated look). This is not healthy and is due to the starvation diet.  So it’s the fake homeopathic HCG that’s hurting us all! True medical hCG must be prescribed and supervised by a reputable licensed physician in a clinic.
FYI: The correct spelling for prescription/medical is hCG. The fake or copycat is usually spelled HCG.


  1. Hi all,

    HCG is a hormone that occurs naturally in the bodies of men and women. When it is taken at higher doses, it has been shown to help aid in rapid weight loss. This happens when the HCG interacts with the hypothalamus to boost metabolic functions and target excess, abnormal fat cells. Thanks a lot!

    Homeopathic hCG

  2. What is the mean of Copycat? And what is the relation between copycat and HCG. Looking forward for your reply.

    Amanda Nelson
    Homeopathic HCG
