
Is hCG Hormone A Steroid Like Estrogen Likely Causing Cancer?

Confusing the hCG hormone with steroid hormones such as estrogen and testosterone is a common mistake, and usually only made by lay people or those groups of people with a certain agenda. The propaganda against Medical hCG for weight loss, being spread by some in the medical community can be easily overcome if one simply uses good old fashion logic.
Logic #1: hCG is a protein hormone and not your typical “steroid”. Hormones are simply biochemicals that are made in one place in the body and sent to another specific place, carrying a signal for some kind of action. They typically work at very low concentrations.

Logic #2: There are several different hormones in the human body each with a unique and very specific mode of action. hCG is a hormone produced mainly during pregnancy, and has its unique action in the body during this time. It is a well known fact that pregnancy with its associated astronomical hCG levels does not cause cancer in women. Pregnancy is a nine month condition, not an illness or a disease. In fact, pregnancy (having kids) is considered as PROTECTIVE against developing Breast Cancer later in life. More to the point, women who have never had children (no pregnancies) are accepted and considered by specialists as high risk for Breast Cancer.

Logic #3: If overweight people with medical conditions requiring multiple prescription medications, lost weight on Medical hCG, and got healthy and did not require any or nearly as many medications, Dr’s visits, labs, etc. Guess who loses money? You Got IT!


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