

 The return of the hCG diet, popular in the 1970s, combines daily injections or oral drops of low doses of medical grade "human chorionic gonadotropin" (hCG - the hormone produced in pregnancy) with a very low calorie diet for a specific amount of time; while under physician supervision.  Even with all the precautions, the hCG diet has some weight-loss experts worried.  Their main complaint is not the use of the hCG hormone, but rather the restrictive 500 calorie a day diet; which they say is unhealthy over the long-term—people are starving themselves to be thin, according to some experts.

A 500 calorie a day diet resulting in rapid weight loss, over a long period of time is unhealthy; which is why our clinic’s longest  medical hCG plan available is 40 days…very short-term & always supervised. What the experts also don’t mention is that the hCG itself mobilizes & uses the body’s stored fat as the energy source for daily functions; lean muscle is not affected by hCG during rapid weight loss. Some medical experts are actually willing to investigate. On February 21, 2011, "The Dr. Oz Show," Dr. Mehmet Oz himself called for more research into hCG hormone's hunger-hindering effects and it’s role in weight loss. Go to Dr. Oz’s website to view the 5 part show on the hCG Diet. Copy & paste url below:


  1. Hi,

    This is indeed very controversial. But many people have already proven its positive effect for weight loss. HCG diet is a restricted calorie diet with 500 calories a day and a shot for the hormone to suppress hungry pains. Thanks a lot...

    Weight Loss Help

  2. Hi, nice post. I have been wondering about this topic,so thanks for sharing. I will certainly be subscribing to your blog.hcg
