
17 Day Diet--Fad or For Real?

The 17 Day Diet is a new program from Dr Mike Moreno, a family practitioner from San Diego, California. Moreno specializes in diabetes. The new diet was featured on Dr Phil, and consequently led to a surge in interest. The 17 day diet focuses on fast weight loss results - suggesting a weight loss of 10-12 pounds in the first 17 days. The diet comprises 4 primary 17 day cycles which reset the metabolism and re-teach portion control and knowing the signs of hunger & when the body is full. Is this for real or one of the many diet fads?
While Dr. Moreno's techniques may lead to the promised weight loss in some people, the holy grail of weight management is behavioral/lifestyle changes. These are the big ones - and things that self-help books rarely succeed in changing. Cycles of weight loss will never lead to permanent change if there are deeper issues, routines, beliefs, and habits in your life that you fail to address.

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